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Game QA in Indie vs. AAA Studios: What’s the Difference?

Quality Assurance (QA) can make or break a game’s launch. The process, however, is not a “one size fits all” situation; it varies a lot between indie studios and AAA giants, impacting developers, publishers, and players.  The Scope and Scale of Testing  In AAA studios, a dedicated QA team is essential due to the huge size of projects. Hundreds of testers work on different aspects to ensure every detail is perfect. They check performance across platforms and complex systems, like AI behavior and network stability. This level of testing is critical for games played by millions worldwide.  Indie studios have

The Role of Linguistic Analysis in Video Game Localization

The Role of Linguistic Analysis in Video Game Localization

How precision in translation makes your favorite games even better.  You know the thrill of starting a game you’ve been waiting for ages, only to get confused by weird translations?…

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