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The Importance of Video Game Porting for Global Market Reach

Imagine this is the case: a game developer creates his magnum opus over a couple of years — a work of outstanding storytelling, beautiful graphics, and an awesome play mechanic. It does well in that region upon release but, despite the title’s many merits, it just doesn’t catch on elsewhere. Why? Well, because it wasn’t optimized for overseas audiences through effective video game porting.  Video game porting connects the dots between regional success and world popularity. Porting the game to a number of platforms, languages, and cultural preferences, diversified variability is created, duly maximizing the spread of that game. In

The Role of Linguistic Analysis in Video Game Localization

The Role of Linguistic Analysis in Video Game Localization

How precision in translation makes your favorite games even better.  You know the thrill of starting a game you’ve been waiting for ages, only to get confused by weird translations?…

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